Enaptiq's blog

Welcome to our update corner! Here, we will be sharing insightful posts about the current challenges we are tackling, the latest advancements in technology, and the progress we are making in our projects. This is your go-to place for in-depth information on how we’re innovating and overcoming obstacles

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Demand side flexiblity: a game changer

Flexibility services are transforming the energy landscape, proving that we don’t need more power plants—just smarter energy use. And energy retailers can play a crucial role. Tibber uses smart tech to help you save on energy bills and earn cash while supporting grid stability. Octopus Energy and National Grid ESO innovative programs are cutting energy costs and rewarding users during peak times Ready to learn more about how this shift could benefit you and the planet?

Comunità Energetiche, your path to sustainable local energy

The "Comunità energetiche" are transforming how we produce, share, and use renewable energy right in our neighborhoods. Discover how Enaptiq can help retailers anticipate customer needs and support these innovative communities.

Can energy retailers create a branding effect and gain their customers’ loyalty?

In our last posts we've delve into the challenges and opportunities facing energy providers today. From the impact of the 2021 energy crisis to upcoming EU regulations 🚨 , the energy market is at a crossroads. But there's hope! 🌱. Don't miss out on this insightful read—learn how energy retailers can thrive in the new energy era and discover how Enaptiq's cutting-edge analytics platform can lead the way 🚀

Energy retailers must embrace the change

Remember when telecom companies were all about landline phones and slow internet? Fast forward 15 years, and now they’re offering everything from high-speed broadband to mobile bundles. European energy retailers, it’s your turn to shine ☀️! Click the link below 👇 to continue reading our the first post on our new blog! We provide insights, opinion and research on how energy retailers and their customers can and should use data to embrace the green energy transition 🌱.

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